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Stab Vests KR1/SP1

Stab Vests you can depend on

Made in Britain, our high performance stab vests armour offer exceptional levels of protection from all types of knives, machetes, meat cleavers, shanks, spikes, and blunt objects (impact). You may already have seen some of our exciting videos demonstrating the incredible capability.

Knowing our stab vests are officially certified against the most realistic threats, such as knives (CAST KR1), spikes (CAST SP1) as well as hypodermic needles and more importantly blunt force and impact (VPAM W5), you can truly depend on them. Being punched, kicked or hit by a blunt object is indeed a very realistic risk many security professional face on a daily basis, so please be assured our body armour offer you exceptional level of protection from this very threat.

Subject to your specific operational duties, risks and threats, or simply your design preferences, please chose from one of the below designs:

Stab vests worn in conjunction with slash resistant clothing

Please also visit our dedicated website for SlashPRO Slash Resistant Clothing, offering ultra-dependable cut level 5 protection to arteries, nerves, ligaments and tendons exposed by all existing body armour. A significant can cause rapid blood loss, subsequent shock, loss of life or simply immobility.