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The Latest Non-Confrontational Body Armour Design

Written by: Robert Kaiser

5th August 2015

UK headquartered PPSS Group have now launched newly designed ‘Tabard Style’ stab resistant vests, aiming to improve the appearance of those wearing them.

We all know too well that some professionals wearing body armour can certainly sometimes be perceived as aggressive, confrontational or authoritative looking.

This doesn’t make us, the general public, feel any better when approached by such an officer, even when we are absolutely certain we have done no wrong.

Robert Kaiser, CEO of PPSS Group, says:

“In general our customers within facility management, public transport and other public facing sectors, have the objective to make their frontline staff appear more approachable, helpful and general safety conscious.”

“In this context, high visibility clothing has become a part of today’s society.  Your vehicle recovery man will wear a hi viz vest when your car breaks down. The man on the nearby building site and the guy collecting trolleys at your local supermarket also wear hi viz vests without looking confrontational.”

“I believe we have shown once again that we do listen to our customers.  Following several discussions with Heads of Health and Safety as well as Security and Operations Manager, we learned to understand the effect the right or wrong perception of the general public can have on officers wearing body armour.”

PPSS ‘Tabard Style’ Hi Viz Stab Vests comply with latest high visibility standards, are ultra-light, extremely thin and have been designed with all of the above in mind.

They offer exceptional and UK Home Office certified protection from all types of edged weapons, hypodermic needles and more importantly they offer truly unmatched protection from what is statistically the most likely type of injuries one may suffer in the UK: Blunt Force Trauma.

Blunt force trauma refers to physical trauma to a body part by a physical attack, usually following a kick, punch or blow by a blunt object.


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