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PPSS Group Announce Strictly Confidential Tactical Gear Manufacturing Service

Written by: Robert Kaiser

Ammunition bag
Ammunition bag

Robert Kaiser, CEO of UK based PPSS Group seems to be really fed up with the shocking business practices of some Middle Eastern tactical gear manufacturing firms:

“Many of our distressed associates, customers and clients have made up-front payment to professional appearing manufacturing facilities in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and other Middle East or Far East countries.”

He says that many tactical gear shops and distributors have made contact with his firm, expressing their anger and disappointment, highlighting that many transactions made by them resulted in nothing but negativity, no goods received, sub-standard quality and subsequent legal wars.

Robert Kaiser continues: “Over the past six years I have met more than 50 manufacturing firms in many Middle East countries. Regardless of what you will be promised from these firms, child labour is a major way of saving overheads for these firms, health and safety is something many struggle to spell correctly and manufacturing quality and good flow of communication is not on top of the list of most of these firms.”

For this reason PPSS Group is now offering to help many firms by assisting them with their exceptional manufacturing capabilities and service.

It must be said, PPSS Body Armour is without question among the very best in the world, and this means from both, the performance just as much as the manufacturing quality point of view.

Their customers include Special Forces, law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, government agencies, global security services providers and some of the largest glass and metal processing firms in the world.

It is very likely they are customers of PPSS Group because terminologies such as ‘quality’, ‘efficiency’, ‘reliability’ and ‘confidentiality’ are the key to PPSS Group’s global success.

They are experts in ‘confidentiality’, and according to Robert Kaiser they are more than happy to keep their potential manufacturing involvements strictly private. In fact he announced that they will manufacture their customer’s tactical gear and also add the customer’s logo to every single product they manufacture, without his firm’s name ever being mentioned.

Maybe PPSS Group will help their customers to save money, but what they certainly will do is offer their customers real peace of mind.

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